42% of our visitors are employed but are still unable to afford the basic cost of living without our support.
We walk alongside families and individuals on their journey out of crisis. Our plus projects mean we are about much more than just food. We bring hope as we work together with our visitors until they no longer need us.
Through our furniture bank, debt and budget advice, homeless assist, community supper, hardship assistance projects, and our inhouse partners we help people build relationships, resilience and self-worth.
With us, our guests work hard to change their own circumstances and thrive by themselves.
2024 was a tough year for many however the incredible support of our local community enables us to walk alongside people as they navigate through crisis to hope-filled lives.

Tracy, Sarah & Lucy
The Christchurch Food Bank+ Team
Mouths fed
School Holiday Hunger Top Up Food Parcels given out feeding 1,194 adults & 1,601 children
Households made a home with the help of our Home Equip project (118 families & 86 individuals)
Meals served at the weekly Community Supper
29K KG
Food donated to help keep our stores stocked
Bags of fresh fruit & vegetables given out
Sara’ Story
Following a dramatic increase in rent, young mum Sara* and her 3 children found themselves homeless due to their rent being dramatically increased.
The family were placed into emergency accommodation, Sara then lost her job and had to give up all their furniture as they were unable to pay for storage.
We provided food, laundry facilities and a safe space to go during this time. After 3 months, Sara was offered a flat however this was unfurnished.
Through Home Equip we were able to provide beds, a sofa, cooker, fridge freezer, cups, pans and a kettle… everything needed to create a home.
It was a tough journey for Sara and children but our team were able to walk alongside the family, preventing them from getting in to debt and providing somewhere safe for the family to go and eat a hot meal.
Sara is in full-time work again, the children have been able to return to school and the whole family are settled in their home ready to face the future.
*Name changed to protect identity
‘What a privilege to work with this family, to bring HOPE where things seemed hopeless, and to be able to say “we’ve got you, you’re not alone.”
Christchurch Foodbank+ Services
Christchurch Foodbank+ is about more than just food. We believe community is essential and provide a relaxed environment where you can chat with the team about debt advice, budget support and other agencies who visit regularly.
Our support includes: emergency food, school holiday hunger parcels, Community Money Advice Debt Advice and Budget Support, Home Equip furniture project and our weekly Community Supper.
Thank You & Looking Forwards
We couldn’t do this without you. Thank you so much for helping us to walk alongside those in crisis in our local communities.
It is both humbling and a privilege to work with those who are struggling. It is also an honour to partner with our referral agencies, some fantastic charities, trusts, organisations, doctors surgeries and social prescribers, funders, companies, local groups, churches and schools as well as individuals and many families in our community.
We look forward to continuing these valued partnerships in 2025. Together we bring hope and a way to help change lives.
A huge THANK YOU to all of our loyal, hardworking, faithful volunteers both front facing and behind the scenes – thank you and God bless.
Become a valued regular food donor
We urgently need more regular food donors. Could you consider buying these on a frequent basis?
- Tinned Ham / Corned Beef
- Tinned Hot Dogs
- Tinned Meatballs
- Rice
- Porridge
- Rice Pudding
- Custard
- Washing Pods
- Deodorant
- Squash
Simply drop off at one of our food donation points (see near the top of our web page below). Alternatively deliver directly to Christchurch Foodbank+ during open hours and on a Monday, 10am – 12pm.

Here at Faithworks we commit ourselves to take as much time as needed to help an individual get to a place of resilience – it may take over a year to help someone get free from the huge burden of debt.
We won’t stand still – we try new things and look for better ways to do what we do: we have opened a new venue for our Homelessness work; and started new training courses.
We will stay true to our values of being Welcoming, Alongside, Trusted, Practical and Empowering. And we’ll keep trusting God every step of the way.
We need your support. We are looking for individual donors to commit to giving £20 per month for 20 months to help write the next chapter of the Faithworks story. Will you join us by setting up a standing order?
Regular donations help us to plan for long-term growth
Regular giving can be set up using our bank details
Bank: CAF bank
Sort Code: 40-52-40
Account number: 00034947
Alternatively follow the link below.
Gift Aid: if you are a tax payer, you can increase your donation by 25% at no extra cost to yourself.