The UK is facing a profound homelessness crisis.
We believe people need more than shelter; they need a Home, safety and friendship.
Hope into Action and Faithworks empower local churches to provide this.

What is Hope into Action?
Hope into Action is a national charity enabling local churches to offer vital befriending and support, and driving investment into houses that will become homes for the homeless.
Faithworks manages the Hope into Action franchise in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole.
How Does it Work?
We support investors in buying a property; they retain ownership while leasing this to us for 5 years or more. Each year they receive 2% return on investment. Many homes have multiple investors from here and UK-wide.
We upskill local churches to get the property ready and train up friendship teams. We provide a tenancy worker and find the right tenants.
Together we support those tenants with friendship, life admin, connections and hope!

“Moving into a Hope into Action home has saved my life.” – Tenant

“The biggest benefit I see for Hope into Action is not the house itself, it’s the befriending element.” – Investor
Get Involved
Our homes keep families together, help people back in to work, provide safe spaces to move on from addiction and other life challenges.
Our immediate aim is for two more houses in 2025.
Can you?:
- Invest in a house to turn into a home
- Encourage your church to provide a befriending and support team
Call David for a chat on 07731 858625.
Hope into Action News
FW20 Highlights and Looking Forwards
In 2024 Faithworks turned 20 years old and so we decided to celebrate in many fun and inspiring ways! We launched our special FW20 Celebration Film including stories from those whose lives have been
What is Half-time? Support for those rough sleeping
Our Half-time service provides practical support and advice for those who are homeless and sleeping on the streets. Half-time is provided at sites across BCP including at St Mike’s Church, Poole Road, Bournemouth, BH2
Cook Bournemouth Donate Meals to Faithworks Carpentry Workshop
A huge thank you to everyone at Cook Bournemouth for donating healthy ready meals to our Carpentry Workshop project, for people overcoming barriers, as we help them move into education and employment. Part of Faithworks
FW20 Highlights and Looking Forwards
In 2024 Faithworks turned 20 years old and so we decided to celebrate in many fun and inspiring ways! We launched our special FW20 Celebration Film including stories from those whose lives have been
What is Half-time? Support for those rough sleeping
Our Half-time service provides practical support and advice for those who are homeless and sleeping on the streets. Half-time is provided at sites across BCP including at St Mike’s Church, Poole Road, Bournemouth, BH2
Cook Bournemouth Donate Meals to Faithworks Carpentry Workshop
A huge thank you to everyone at Cook Bournemouth for donating healthy ready meals to our Carpentry Workshop project, for people overcoming barriers, as we help them move into education and employment. Part of Faithworks