Your furniture donations help those moving on from homelessness to build a home
The Storehouse
The Storehouse provides furniture for those moving on from homelessness and emergency accommodation. We take donations of good quality furniture and deliver them to those who have been referred to the project.
We regularly need the following items:
- Beds & mattresses (single & double)
- Bedding
- Chest of drawers
- Bedside cabinets
- Dining tables & chairs
- Coffee tables
- TV stands
- Two seater sofas & armchairs
Address: Destiny Life Church, 25B Elliott Road, West Howe Industrial Estate, Bournemouth, BH11 8LQ
Open: Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, 9am-4pm – please note the team are often out on deliveries, if you wish to drop donations off please contact them on the number below first.
To donate furniture please contact The Storehouse on 07730 891433 or email (we are able to arrange collection of items).
*Please note that all soft furnishings must be stain free and have fire labels. Other items must be fully functional.
Home Equip, Christchurch Food Bank+
The Home Equip project brings hope and self-worth, it turns an empty property in to a home and safe space for many of our families. Through funding and community donations we are able to supply anything from cups to cookers, beds to baby items, to a whole home of furniture.
Indivduals or families are referred to us due to homelessness, domestic violence, social services intervention, fire or another emergency. For those who need beds, their cooker has broken or escaping domestic violence the Home Equip project is a lifeline for those items they cannot afford. By helping those, who have experienced domestic violence and escaped volatile relationships build their home, it prevents them from feeling the need to return.
If you would like to donate furniture to the Home Equip project, please email: