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Nourish, Blandford

Nourish, Blandford2025-01-30T11:19:38+00:00


Nourish Community Larder and Foodbank provides support to those living in Blandford and everyone living within the postcode area of DT11.

Nourish is about much more than just food – we also provide practical, relational and spiritual support. Our relaxed café area creates a safe space to meet new people, enjoy free hot drinks and snacks, and chat with other agencies for advice and support.  Our dedicated CMA team are also based at Nourish to provide free debt advice and budget support – find out more below.

If you need a food parcel you need to be referred by someone from the list below:

You can ask for a food parcel voucher from Citizens Advice (see useful links below) or the following referrers:

  • GP surgeries including The Blandford Group Practice  – 01258 452501
  • Citizens Advice based at Blandford Parish Centre on Tuesdays from 10am
  • Dorset Council – 01258 454111
  • Your Housing Association e.g. SNG – 0300 5000 926
  • The Mental Health Team, Blandford Hospital – 01258 450610
  • Your child’s school, nursery or pre-school
  • Jobcentre
  • Plus many other support agencies such as REACH, YouTrust, churches etc

Annual Review 2024:

This year 75 people went from needing the Foodbank to managing food shopping using the Larder instead. Find out how your help has assisted us in supporting the local community over the last year.

Read our Annual Review

Need help?



Tuesdays & Thursdays
10am – 2pm

01258 456093

United Reformed Church
Salisbury Street, Blandford Forum, DT11 7PY

Help and support at Nourish

Community Larder & Foodbank

The Foodbank provides emergency food for when and as long as you need it, including fresh fruit and vegetables when available. You need to be referred to the Foodbank by someone from the list of our referrers above.

The Community Larder is for those who are are finding regular food shops unaffordable and need a little extra. There is a membership cost which includes a variety of tinned and dried food items, toiletries and free fresh fruit and vegetables. Simply contact our team for a chat about membership.

CMA Debt Advice & Budget Support

The CMA (Community Money Advice) team are based onsite and provide free debt advice and budget support. We are affiliated to the national Community Money Advice network and authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. 

Becky and Nicky run Faithworks CMA at Nourish – the team are available to speak with in a quiet, private space at Nourish.

Community Cafe Space

We are passionate about our local community and take pride in making our space welcoming. Our friendly team are always on hand to help or to simply have a chat.

We are looking forward to welcoming you – there is always plenty of free tea and coffee as well as cake!

Cookery Workshops

We partner with many local organisations and businesses – the Friendly Food Club provide regular free cookery workshops throughout the year.

Workshops are for those who are members of Nourish.  Sessions run throughout the year and focus on healthy eating on a budget.

To find out more either call our office on 01258 456093 or drop in to Nourish to chat with our team.

Additional Support

We also provide additional food for those who need it during the school holidays.

If you need further support, we are always on hand to help connect you to other organisations such as Blandford Group Practice, Victim Support, The You Trust and the URC Snooker Club!

Simply pop in for a hot drink and a chat or contact us via the form below (selecting Nourish from the drop down menu).

Other useful links

  • Citizens Advice – based at Blandford Parish Centre on Tuesdays
  • REACH drug & alcohol services – 0800 043 4656
  • Victim Support – 0300 3030 163
  • The YOU Trust – 01329 825 930

Nourish FAQs

What happened to Blandford Food Bank+?2023-09-11T15:18:31+01:00

Blandford Food Bank+ has grown rapidly in response to need across the Blandford and surrounding areas.  Blandford Food Bank still exists as it was before however has now expanded to include a community larder, larger community cafe area and more – we are now known as Nourish.

How do I request a food parcel?2023-09-11T15:25:05+01:00

If you need emergency food, you need to be referred by someone from the list below and they will provide a voucher for a food parcel.  If you have problems accessing a voucher, please contact our office to speak with our team.

  • Dorset Council – 01258 454111
  • Sovereign Housing Association – 0300 5000 926
  • The Mental Health Team, Blandford Hospital – 01258 450610
  • Local GP surgeries
  • Citizens Advice – based at Blandford Parish Centre on Tuesdays
  • Your child’s school or pre-school
How does the Nourish Community Larder work?2023-09-11T17:35:43+01:00

The Community Larder is for those who are are finding regular food shops unaffordable and need a little extra. The larder works on a membership basis of three months at a time and is for those on means-tested benefits such as Universal Credit or Pension Credit.

There is a nominal membership cost which includes a variety of tinned and dried food items, toiletries and free fresh fruit and vegetables. Simply contact our team for a chat about how to join.

How can I support Nourish?2025-01-06T14:59:01+00:00

There are two ways you can support Nourish:

Donate food items: you can keep up to date with our latest food needs by downloading the BanktheFood App from Google Play or the Apple store and set Blandford as your Food Bank.

You can also support Nourish by keeping up to date with our latest news by following us on Facebook below.

Give financially: Regular donations help us to plan more long-term.  You can become a regular donor by setting up direct payments to our CAF Bank Account:
– Sort code: 40-52-40
– Account no: 00034964

Alternatively you can download a Nourish Standing Order and Gift Aid* form below (these files are editable pdfs).
*Did you know that Gift Aid enables us to claim an extra 25% on your gift at no extra cost to yourself.

Follow us on Facebook
Download a Standing Order form
Download a Gift Aid form

Nourish News & Events

FW20 Highlights and Looking Forwards

18th February 2025|

In 2024 Faithworks turned 20 years old and so we decided to celebrate in many fun and inspiring ways! We launched our special FW20 Celebration Film including stories from those whose lives have been

FW20 Highlights and Looking Forwards

18th February 2025|

In 2024 Faithworks turned 20 years old and so we decided to celebrate in many fun and inspiring ways! We launched our special FW20 Celebration Film including stories from those whose lives have been

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