This year 75 people went from needing the Foodbank to managing food shopping using the Larder instead.
With the growth of the Foodbank, rebranding and the launch of the Larder in 2023, we have now established ourselves as Nourish and continue to grow.
Having the community café space has increased footfall and given people the chance to be better supported and listened to. We’ve seen people wanting to come back time and again just for the community and sense of welcome they receive, finding a place to belong.
We’ve been able to open our doors to more agencies, increasing our ability to offer a holistic approach to how we support those visiting Nourish.
This has particularly worked well with our CMA team. Money Advisors work alongside people to overcome financial difficulties, which in turn helps people with the rising cost of essentials.
This year we’ve seen 75 people go from needing the Foodbank to being able to manage food shops using the Larder instead. 30 of these now no longer need either the Foodbank or the Larder and feel able to manage on their own again.
At Nourish we are about more than food. Walking alongside people through times of crisis, we want to show mercy, listen, bring hope and support individuals until they’re feeling ready to manage on their own again.
It is a privilege to journey alongside people in their time of need and see so many impacted by the work of Nourish.

Sophie, Nourish Manager & Heidi, Nourish Foodbank+ Deputy Manager
*Photo: Sophie (left) & Heidi (right)
Food parcels given out
Deliveries made to people who have no way of getting to the Foodbank
Families received Christmas reverse advent hampers (169 adults, 254 children)
Families received Holiday Bags (433 adults, 599 children)
Children received toys who may not have done otherwise
Pre-school children received Bedtime Bags including: toothbrush, toothpaste, bubble bath, a book, teddy bear and hot chocolate
Sam’s Story
Sam* first came to Nourish after becoming homeless. We provided practical support including emergency food, advice and ensured he was safe.
The team continued to walk alongside Sam with ongoing support and befriending, ensuring he felt part of the community.
A year later and Sam is now an integral part of the team through volunteering. He shared:
“Support has been fantastic at targeting my individual needs beyond what the state can provide. Without the kindness and practical help at Nourish, I know that being homeless would have been unbearable. The feeling of isolation is perhaps the most difficult, but to visit the Foodbank to meet and chat with other clients has been invaluable to me, I feel part of the community.’
…Volunteering at Nourish offers so much more than just feeling positive after a rewarding day at work – it’s being part of an extended family doing everything it can to look after everyone, whenever they need help.”
*Name changed to protect identity
“It’s [the Larder] made a massive difference to my mental health knowing I can get food with the little money I have left after bills.” – Larder Shopper
Nourish Services
Located in Blandford town centre Nourish exists to support those living in Blandford Forum and surrounding villages in the DT11 area.
Nourish is about more than just food. We believe community is essential and provide a relaxed environment where you can chat with the team about debt advice, budget support as well as with other agencies who visit regularly.
Our support includes: emergency food, the community larder, CMA debt advice and budget and much more.
Thank You & Looking Forwards
We have an incredible team of hardworking volunteers who regularly give their time to help Nourish run like clockwork! Their time and commitment really does make a difference. As do our donors who faithfully give each month, enabling us to plan ahead.
We would not be here if it wasn’t for those who regularly add extra food and household essentials to their weekly shop. Every donation counts and makes a huge difference!
We look forward with confidence with our new Grant Fundraiser on board, and as we expand the team by recruiting a Larder Coordinator and build community meals into our weekly rhythm.
But we need your help! Can you support us?:
Partner: We need local businesses to help keep the Larder stocked – if can help, then we would love to hear from you.
Donate: We are reliant on regular donations both financially and of food items.
Volunteer: We rely on those who give their time – if you would like to get involved, please get in touch for an informal chat.
Become a valued regular food donor
We regularly need the following items. Could you consider buying these on a frequent basis?
- Tinned Ham / Corned Beef
- Tinned Hot Dogs
- Tinned Meatballs
- Rice
- Porridge
- Rice Pudding
- Custard
- Washing Pods
- Deodorant
- Squash
Simply drop off at Nourish on Tuesday or Thursday, 10am – 2pm.

Here at Faithworks we commit ourselves to take as much time as needed to help an individual get to a place of resilience – it may take over a year to help someone get free from the huge burden of debt.
We won’t stand still – we try new things and look for better ways to do what we do: we have opened a new venue for our Homelessness work; and started new training courses.
We will stay true to our values of being Welcoming, Alongside, Trusted, Practical and Empowering. And we’ll keep trusting God every step of the way.
We need your support. We are looking for individual donors to commit to giving £20 per month for 20 months to help write the next chapter of the Faithworks story. Will you join us by setting up a standing order?
Regular donations help us to plan for long-term growth
Regular giving can be set up using our bank details
Bank: CAF bank
Sort Code: 40-52-40
Account number: 00034964
Alternatively follow the link below.
Gift Aid: if you are a tax payer, you can increase your donation by 25% at no extra cost to yourself.