Christchurch Foodbank+
Christchurch Foodbank+ is about much more than just food in an emergency. We are passionate about caring for the whole person and so have developed our centre to support, walk alongside you and to provide you with the skills and tools to not just survive but to thrive so that you can live life to the full.
You can obtain a voucher for a food parcel from these referrers or come in and chat with us on your first visit:
- Citizens Advice or BCP Helpline – 0300 123 7052
- With You – 161 Old Christchurch Road, Bournemouth, BH1 1JU, 01202 558855
- Your child’s school, doctor’s surgery. Health Visitor or church office
- Family Partnership Zone, children’s and youth centre, The Pantry and the Arc – all in Somerford
- Adult and children’s social services
- Sovereign Housing, your Housing Officer
Annual Review 2024
42% of our visitors are employed but are still unable to afford the basic cost of living without our support.
Find out how, with your support, we are able to provide practical solutions and hope to those experiencing times of crisis.
Find out more about Christchurch Foodbank+ in the short video below.
Need help?
Christchurch Foodbank+
Tuesdays, 10am – 12pm
Thursdays, 11am – 1pm
Fridays, 2pm – 4pm
Mondays, 10am – 12pm for donations only
**Outside open hours and for our other projects, please call the number below and leave a message.
07587 371088 or 07536 983678
The Old Chapel, 67a Purewell, Christchurch, BH23 1EH
Help and support at Christchurch Foodbank+
We provide emergency food for when you need it and as long as you need it, including fresh fruit and vegetables when available.
Anyone can access the Foodbank however will need to ask for a voucher from one of the referrers listed above. Any difficulties in requesting a voucher, please speak with us.
There are also Family Lunch Bags including toiletries, pet food etc. The Holiday Hunger scheme provides extra food, fresh fruit and vegetables for those in receipt of free school meals and families on a low income – vouchers are administered through local schools.
Home Equip
The Home Equip turns an empty property in to a home and safe space for families and those escaping domestic violence. Through funding and community donations we are able to supply cups to cookers, beds to baby items, to a whole home of furniture. Email us if you want to donate items*.
*Please select Christchurch Foodbank+ from the subject drop down menu
This project works on a similar basis to the Foodbank – referrals come from the local housing department at the council, social services, the family and children’s centre, schools and churches.
For those on their journey out of homelessness we provide: food, hot meals, clothes, sleeping bags and toiletries. In addition, we provide support with filling in forms, appointments and housing related issues. This enables us, most importantly, to build a relationship and therefore build trust.
We also fund SANI ‘Sponsor a Night In’ which pays for someone rough sleeping to have a night in a bed & breakfast for rest, warmth, a hot shower and to relax.
Feel free to drop in for a cuppa and a chat with one of our team anytime we’re open.
We also run The Community Supper regularly, which brings the community together over a hot meal. This provides an opportunity for those who are on their own or as a family to come together in a safe environment.
And in the school holidays, we produce family activity packs to provide free, fun activities to do as a family, along with a lunch bag to make up a picnic.
Money: CMA Debt Advice & Budget Coaching & Hardship Fund
Anyone coming to the Foodbank can have a financial health check. We can assist you with fuel poverty or other hardship, and you can access our free CMA Debt Advice and budgeting service.
This team are affiliated to the national Community Money Advice (CMA) network and are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. CMA provides Budget help (creating a realistic budget, developing money skills) and Debt Advice (creditor negotiation, establishing benefits eligibility, alternative debt solutions).
Cooking on a Budget & Meal in a Bag
We believe that healthy meals don’t have to blow the budget. We run a four week cooking course that provides practical tips and inspiration on how to shop, cook and eat on a budget.
We also provide Meal in a Bag: a recipe and the ingredients needed to make the meal together as a family. We love exploring new meal ideas and are happy to pass on new recipe ideas.
Christchurch Foodbank+ FAQs
Christchurch Foodbank+ News & Events
Free Wills Month: Impact Lives Through Faithworks Legacy Giving
Free Wills Month Over two fifths of UK adults have not written a Will.* Free Wills Month takes place every March and October, and provides a way for people over the age of 55
Prince William Visits Faithworks Through Homewards Partnership
On 28th February, Prince William visited Bournemouth, Christchurch, and Poole (BCP) to see firsthand the impact of partnerships in addressing homelessness as part of the Homewards initiative. His Royal Highness spoke with Dan, whom
FW20 Highlights and Looking Forwards
In 2024 Faithworks turned 20 years old and so we decided to celebrate in many fun and inspiring ways! We launched our special FW20 Celebration Film including stories from those whose lives have been
Free Wills Month: Impact Lives Through Faithworks Legacy Giving
Free Wills Month Over two fifths of UK adults have not written a Will.* Free Wills Month takes place every March and October, and provides a way for people over the age of 55
Prince William Visits Faithworks Through Homewards Partnership
On 28th February, Prince William visited Bournemouth, Christchurch, and Poole (BCP) to see firsthand the impact of partnerships in addressing homelessness as part of the Homewards initiative. His Royal Highness spoke with Dan, whom
FW20 Highlights and Looking Forwards
In 2024 Faithworks turned 20 years old and so we decided to celebrate in many fun and inspiring ways! We launched our special FW20 Celebration Film including stories from those whose lives have been

Urgent Appeal
Join our food poverty appeal campaign today. We want to see an end to all types of food poverty in the UK.
No one person should suffer the anxiety of food poverty. For just £5 a month you can support a family.