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Launching FW20/20: Sponsored Events Campaign

12th July 2024|

Following our 20th Anniversary Celebration Breakfast we are launching our FW20/20: 20 Sponsored Events Campaign! Our 20th birthday marks 20 years of being alongside people as they journey from crisis to safety, and on to brighter futures of their own making.  However, there is still so much to do, as we continue to walk alongside those facing crisis. To

Faithworks 20th Anniversary Celebration Breakfast

8th July 2024|

120 guests joined us on Bournemouth Pier for Faithworks 20th Anniversary Celebration Breakfast. Those who joined us in the celebrations included guests from our projects, past and present staff and trustees, volunteers, local charities, partners, businesses, funders, as well as representatives from BCP Council. The mood was jubilant as stories were shared of how people have been impacted by

Wimborne Community Garden July Diary

8th July 2024|

Catch up with Jane as she shares the latest from the Wimborne Community Garden July diary: Another month flies by..! Life is never dull at Wimborne Community Garden! We started the month by welcoming John Morris, the judge from South & South East in Bloom to come to the garden to see what we get up to and how

Wimborne Community Garden May Diary

1st May 2024|

Catch up with Jane as she shares the latest from the Wimborne Community Garden May diary: Yet again, Wimborne Community Garden would like to say a huge thank you to The Saxons of Wimborne who so generously donated £500 to the garden. This money was a totally glorious surprise but true to form, we quickly set to and spent

It’s Our 20th Birthday!

19th April 2024|

Happy Birthday to us!  So, how will we celebrate? In 20 fun and inspiring ways throughout 2024!  All of which highlight our Values, these are: Welcoming, Alongside, Trusted, Practical and Empowering. Kicking things off and starting with our Welcoming value, Alistair, our CEO, has been delivering gorgeous birthday cakes to our amazing projects and volunteers. Alistair enthused: “I love the

Wimborne Community Garden April Diary

18th April 2024|

Catch up with Jane as she shares the latest from the Community Garden April diary: We have had such a lot of visitors at the Garden this month, which has been super! Our first visitors weren’t coming so much to see what we get up to but more to rescue us! Due to the sad demise of our first

Faithworks 20th anniversary

26th March 2024|

It’s Faithworks 20th anniversary! And we are honoured to invite you to join us in a year of celebration, reflection and forward thinking. How did Faithworks begin? Over 20 years ago a small and dedicated group of church leaders, along with Poole Borough Council, looked at root causes of key local issues and identified loneliness & isolation as large

Wimborne Community Garden February Diary

26th March 2024|

Catch up with Jane as she shares the latest from the Community Garden February diary: Wimborne Community Garden is so blessed in so many ways not least because it has its own ‘wild area’, with a lovely path running through it, as you enter the garden itself. Within this area there are several glorious trees as indeed there are

Wimborne Community Garden January Diary

21st February 2024|

Disaster averted! During the high winds Wimborne experienced following Christmas, Wimborne Community Garden, like so many gardens, was battered! Jane Benson shares the story from the Wimborne Community Garden January diary as she explains how it’s about more than just a greenhouse being damaged in high winds. “I received a call one late morning from one of our neighbours

Wimborne Community Garden Autumn Diary

8th February 2024|

Life at Wimborne Community Garden never seems to stop! The autumn was a whirlwind of activity with: winning the South and South East in Bloom Community Garden award; hosting a wonderful evening with Tamsin Westhorpe;  and holding a fun and delicious pumpkin curry event! Amongst all this, due to the extraordinary generosity of the Hendy Foundation Trust

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