8th July 2024
Wimborne Community Garden July Diary
Catch up with Jane as she shares the latest from the Wimborne Community Garden July diary:
Another month flies by..! Life is never dull at Wimborne Community Garden! We started the month by welcoming John Morris, the judge from South & South East in Bloom to come to the garden to see what we get up to and how our garden is growing. He had a good look round but as to what he thought….we have to wait until September 20th to find out! So in the meantime, we just have to keep going!
So, to do just that, we were delighted to welcome over 30 Brownies and Rainbows to our garden on June 24th. They spent a very busy evening with us: they washed out so many pots for us in readiness for next year’s sowing; made their own paper ‘plant pots’, which they sowed with herb seeds to grow at home; spent time identifying as many bugs and plants as they could in different areas of the garden. I think it’s fair to say, we all enjoyed it – they were great!

Then the garden was visited by so many visitors as we were one of Wimborne in Bloom’s Open Gardens. We were thrilled at the numbers who came to see us and equally humbled and delighted by the overwhelming number of positive comments we received. Our garden is run by so many volunteers from the community and we do it for the community and on Sunday, we felt we were ‘hitting the nail on the head’ for so many of you. Thank you for making us feel this way.
Finally, just to let you in on a secret – this week we are attempting to make a short video to send to the BBC’s Gardeners’ World programme. We have no idea if it will be chosen…but he who dares and all that! Watch this space…and please keep your fingers and toes crossed for us!