18th April 2024
Wimborne Community Garden April Diary
Catch up with Jane as she shares the latest from the Community Garden April diary:
We have had such a lot of visitors at the Garden this month, which has been super! Our first visitors weren’t coming so much to see what we get up to but more to rescue us! Due to the sad demise of our first greenhouse, we had to amend the paving area and along with this we decided to change the placement of our wheelchair-friendly raised beds….but this is easier said than done!
However, the Wimborne firemen came to our rescue by shifting the incredibly heavy beds for us, to create a much neater accessible area. We are so grateful to the men who helped and really appreciate their time…and strength!

Then one Monday evening we were visited by the Wimborne Beavers, another delight. As many of you know, a very large ash tree had to be felled in the Wild Area of the garden and while this was done, the Bug Hotel had to be dismantled. So the trusty Beavers came along, armed with all sorts of wondrous bug friendly material, and put it back together in spectacular fashion – so a huge thanks to them for their hard work and enthusiasm.

Finally, we had not one but two schools come and visit us: Year 3 Dumpton students came followed by Year 1 and 2 students from Pamphill First School. After their visits, which were filled with laughter, excitement and energy, we at the garden were left with: several beds dug over; sunflower seeds planted in homemade newspaper eco-friendly plant pots; beautifully decorated stones to add to the Sensory Garden and all our fallen branches cut up into useable twigs for the development of our new Heugalbed.
Without exception, the children really got ‘stuck in’ and I think they enjoyed being in the Garden as much as we enjoyed having them. Good times!

Find out more about what we get up to on our web page below.