26th March 2024
Wimborne Community Garden February Diary
Catch up with Jane as she shares the latest from the Community Garden February diary:
Wimborne Community Garden is so blessed in so many ways not least because it has its own ‘wild area’, with a lovely path running through it, as you enter the garden itself.
Within this area there are several glorious trees as indeed there are at the opposite end of the site. Trees, like any living thing, don’t last for ever so we were very saddened when we learnt that the huge Ash tree in the corner of the wild area was diseased and so, for safety reasons, had to come down. However, we will now aim to coax the newly exposed area into growing produce with a more ‘foraging’ theme. Let’s see what happens!

The Sensory Garden continues to develop: the grasses have coped with winter so far as have various lavenders; Phlomis Fruticosa have been planted which will provide the softest leaves to touch; thornless roses have been added too so they can share their scent in the summer months. As the year progresses so will the Sensory Garden; it will become such a special place to sit, pause and enjoy the garden from.
We’ve also erected a metal archway at the ‘orchard’ end of the garden. This came about following our visit to RHS Wisley where multi-coloured and weirdly shaped gourds attracted our attention as they wound their way up and hung decoratively from an archway. So, we are attempting to do the same thing! Something else to watch out for!

Lastly, we would like to thank all those who have been buying our potted bulbs. We really appreciate your support and as the year progresses, we will have other plants to sell from the garden. All the funds raised from these sales are ploughed back into the garden to help ensure it remains a colourful and productive space for the community of Wimborne.
Wimborne Community Garden is run by volunteers, if you would like to support the invaluable work the team do, you can do so via our giving page below – thank you.