21st February 2024
Wimborne Community Garden January Diary
Disaster averted!
During the high winds Wimborne experienced following Christmas, Wimborne Community Garden, like so many gardens, was battered! Jane Benson shares the story from the Wimborne Community Garden January diary as she explains how it’s about more than just a greenhouse being damaged in high winds.
“I received a call one late morning from one of our neighbours to let me know that our greenhouse had been picked up by the wind and totally smashed on to the patio area. I was very appreciative of this call as although the news wasn’t good, we’re so grateful to have neighbours watching over the garden for us.

I sent a message out on our garden’s Whatsapp group explaining what had happened and that I could get there at 3pm if anyone could come and help me sort this situation out. I have to tell you that it wasn’t a pleasant afternoon – it was cold and really pretty miserable. However, I wrapped up warm and set off for the garden only to find that far from being on my own, ten other volunteers had turned up to help! It was amazing!
We set to with brushes and shovels and in next to no time had the glass swept up, the patio area cleared and the greenhouse back on its feet. It’s always so frustrating and expensive too when things get damaged in the wind but as it happened, our greenhouse disaster also served to demonstrate what a wonderful team of volunteers we have at the garden.
The clear up epitomised just what we as a community garden aspire to do – to work together and get things done! Wonderful. All that said, we’re all hoping not to have to pick up the greenhouse again for a long, long time!”
Now, as the valiant bulbs come up and with the continued and much appreciated support from Pulford Publicity and Dorset View, we go on into this new year with great hopes for the future.
You can keep up to date with all the latest developments at Wimborne Community Garden on their Facebook page below.