1st May 2024
Wimborne Community Garden May Diary
Catch up with Jane as she shares the latest from the Wimborne Community Garden May diary:
Yet again, Wimborne Community Garden would like to say a huge thank you to The Saxons of Wimborne who so generously donated £500 to the garden. This money was a totally glorious surprise but true to form, we quickly set to and spent it!
We used it to buy some very attractive Sapele hardwood and David, one of our super volunteers, used his impressive woodworking skills to create a pergola over the bench in the Sensory Garden. This means, that when the summer arrives, the pergola will provide a shady spot for visitors to come and enjoy the garden.
We have plans to make this pergola area, with the help of students from Queen Elizabeth’s School, into our special place for thanking all those who have helped us on our way, for example The Saxons… so watch this space!

On Friday 26th, Beaucroft College had their official ‘Opening Event’ and we were very proud to be a part of that. We enjoyed, as always, showing visitors around the garden and explaining how we grow fruit and vegetables to send to Wimborne Food Bank+, the Community Kitchen and of course, work alongside Beaucroft students to support them in growing produce for their super café. We are also going to be selling our plants outside their café, with the help of students, on a Wednesday morning – so do come along and enjoy a plant with your coffee and cake!
On May 19th our garden is taking part in Wimborne in Bloom’s Open Gardens Day so you would be most welcome to visit us! Looking ahead, our own fundraising Family Fun Day will be in the garden and adjacent field on Sunday July 14th from 2pm – 4pm – more of that later…
For now, we just need the sun to shine to give all our seedlings the encouragement they need to grow and flourish. Fingers crossed!
Why not drop in and have a look around our garden? You can find us on Google maps below.