21st October 2022
Blandford & Wimborne Food Bank+ 10th Anniversaries
Blandford Food Bank+ and Wimborne Food Bank+ both reached their 10th anniversaries within the last month. Special events were held at the Food Banks where dignitaries including the High Sheriff of Dorset and the Mayors as well as local organisations and agencies attended.

Wimborne Food Bank+ (l-r): Chair of Steering Committee Ian Stevenson, The High Sheriff of Dorset Sibyl King, Manager Sharon Keenan & Deputy Manager Rachel Plowman
Between April 2021 and March 2022 Blandford and Wimborne provided 4,002 portions of food and 476 school holiday food parcels. Their team of 12 CMA (Community Money Advice) volunteers also gave free debt advice and budget support to those who needed it.
The support provided over the last decade has only been possible because of our amazing volunteers, many of whom have been volunteering for more than five years. It was a privilege to be able to honour those volunteers with long service awards.
In 2021/22 alone, the Blandford and Wimborne Food Bank+ volunteers gave over 5,500 hours of time – we cannot thank each one enough.
The High Sheriff of Dorset highlighted the benefits of volunteering with a Chinese proverb: “If you want happiness for an hour – take a nap. If you want happiness for a day – go fishing. If you want happiness for a month – get married. If you want happiness for a year – inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime – help someone else.”

3 generations of managers reunite for Wimborne Food Bank’s 10th anniversary. (l-r): Robert Jones, Nick Bold & present manager Sharon Keenan
The Food Banks have worked hard to develop an informal and welcoming environment where everyone feels at ease. It is clear that the volunteers feel part of a family, and it is our hope that this welcome and support is passed on to everyone who visits.
“The great thing about helping at the Food Bank is that I am contributing to the community in which I live but have also become a member of the ‘Food Bank Family.”
“It’s a privilege to welcome people and help put them at ease, listen to their worries and offer something practical at the same time.”
An essential part of the Food Banks is the CMA (Community Money Advice) service providing free debt advice and budget support. Wimborne Food Bank+ need more volunteers to join their CMA team. You can find out more about the role on our volunteers page below.
The effective running of the Food Banks not only depend on the generosity of our volunteers but also the local communities, who provide food. As the need increases, we are looking for more people to donate items on a regular basis. The Bank the Food App provides an easy way to stay up to date with your local Food Bank’s current food needs. The App is available on both Google Play and the Apple Store.
Alternatively you can support us by setting up a standing order to your nearest Food Bank+. Each Food Bank+ bank details can be found on our donate page below. Thank you for all your support.
*Main photo: Blandford Food Bank+ (l-r): Manager Gail Del-Pinto, Mayor of Blandford Cllr Colin Stevens & his wife Christine and The High Sheriff of Dorset Sibyl King